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  UCLA college student Jonathan Moor  e (Ant hony Edwards) is playi ng a game called "Gotcha"; (popula  r on mid-1 980s co llege campuses as  "A ssassin"; or " Tag&quo t;),  wherein  the player s ar  e all as signed a moc k ";hit& quot; on another play er by use o f a harmless p aintball gun. Moore and hi s apartment  roommate Manolo go on a va cation  to Paris, France. After  touring so me o  f Paris, in a cafe Moor e meets S asha Bani cek (Lind a Fio rentino) , a Cze choslovakian  girl. Eventually, Jo nathan ha s interc ourse with Sa sha, los  ing his virginit y.  Jon athan dec ides to leave Man olo (who is   heading to   Spai n) and go with Sasha to W est Be  rlin to spend more time with  her. J onathan  believes that he is  in love with  Sasha. There , Jonatha n and   Sash a continue to hav e sex and e  ven g o to an Ok toberfest be er gathering. One night, Sasha tells Jonath  an that  she has to  go to Eas t Berlin to  pick up a p ackage. O ne nigh t after  arriving  in East  Berlin, Sasha leaves their hotel  room and  walks to dark street corn er. There,  Sasha meets a Ge rman man who te  lls   her  the locatio n of  the pic kup o f her package. Mea nwhile,  Sasha was being  monitored by a Soviet agent, who  was sit ting in a car at a di stance. D  uring the da y, Sasha tells Jo nathan th at if  she gives him  a ce rtain messag e, it  means tha t he has t o leave East Berlin immediatel y. At a cafe, Sasha gives Jonathan a   package a  nd s ays that a strudel is  insi  de. A little later, Sasha tells J  onathan to meet her at  the butche r shop near their hotel. All of  a sudden, a Soviet agent begins to chase afte r Sasha. Sasha decides to use Jonatha n (who is holdi  ng her pac kage) to unknowingly  get the package o ver to West Berlin. M eanwhile, Sa sha is take n by the S  oviet agent and  East G  erman secret police.  Jonathan goes to   Checkpoint Charlie  to c ross the he avily fortified bor  der int  o West Be rlin.  At the East German customs search,  Jonathan is st ripp ed of his cl othes and given a cavity search. Meanwhile,   Sasha is stripped an  d searched for p ossible espionage e vidence. Vlad arrives at the bord er cross ing to search for Jona than, however   Jonathan passes the bord er safely before  he can be captured. Once in West Berlin, Jonathan feels liberated by the Westernized society. In the hotel, Jonathan receives  a message from Sasha to meet  him  at a   specified lo cation . Jonathan finds  out tha t his hotel  room was broke n int  o and robbed  of his tra veler&  #39; s checks. Soviet agents eventually f ind Jonatha n in West Be rlin and chase hi m throughout a public park . Jonat han jumps into a water ca nal and manages to escape f rom the So viets and stumbles u pon a Ger man rock gro up headed for Hamburg, who offer him a ride to the airport.  Th  e rock gr oup successfull y get Jonath an to the a  irpo  rt ( using full-face makeup to sneak him past a chec kpoint) and  Jonathan finally arr ives in Los Ang  eles  Tom B radley Inte rnat ional Airport and to his apartment . Soon, Vlad and a band of So viet agent s arrive too in Los Angeles. Once   home, Jonath an stumbles upon a film canister, which was planted by S  asha. Jona than visits his p  arents and te  lls them  what happened in  Germany but they  cann ot be lieve a w ord of it and think Jon athan is on drugs. Jo nathan decides t o call the FBI   then the Central Intelligence Agency for  hel p. Jo nathan retur ns to fin d his apartment b roken int o and looted.< br/>   The CIA o ffic er te lls Jonatha n to give them the pho to film canister. At the Lo s Ang eles headquarters of  the CIA  , Jonathan s pots Sasha who looks like she  was working there. Jon athan event   ually mee ts up with Sasha. S asha ad mits that s he is Cher yl Brewster, a C IA agent, origin ally from Pi ttsbu  rgh. Out o f nowhere , Vlad and his gang begi n to chas e Jonath an and Cheryl o n the U CLA campus. Jonathan elimi nates all  the S  oviets with a tranquilizer gun which he gets from the campus veterin ary scienc es building. The Soviets are arrested, the CIA agents thank  Jonathan for his (indirect) help in o btaining the  film, and Sash a tells him s he wants to continu e their relations hip.  Aft er they p  art, Jo  nathan ta  lks to a pre tty studen t who rebuffs hi m coldly. As she walks away , he aims the tranquili zer pistol and shoots her in  the rear.  按规矩,两人每收一个人的好处,就要往外掏点货,偏偏他 们是一个一个飞升的,总不好意思把说过的消息,再给他们来一遍,没 办法下,待到文遥飞升,人家又给他们摆了一席,两人把该说的都说了,只能跟他们八卦纯阳宗宗主被人伏杀的事了。  收起




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